“A Re-Union of Interests,” commemorates the publication of Cathy Matson and Peter Onuf’s important 1990 work, A Union of Interests: Political and Economic Thought in Revolutionary America. In a well-deserved nod to these two scholars’ prodigious contributions and their legacy of mentorship of others, the conference draws together some of the finest scholars working in the field of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century political economy. By breaking free from historiographical dichotomies between what is political and what is economic, and by appreciating broadly-defined economic interests and ideology in the generation after the Revolution, A Union of Interests continues to pave the way for fresh studies of early republican political economy, state-building, economic development, and the practice of early federalism. Taking Matson and Onuf’s book as our point of departure, this conference will analyze and evaluate the field of political economy a quarter century later and showcase exciting new directions in the study of early North American political economy. Please contact PEAES Director Cathy Matson at cmatson@UDEL.edu if you have questions or comments regarding this conference.
We at PEAES wish to thank the History Department and School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-Camden for their support for this conference.

View of the glass works of T. W. Dyott; Creator Breton, William L. artist. Philadelphia : Kennedy & Lucas' Lith., [1831]
The Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES)
The Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES) at the Library Company of Philadelphia is dedicated to promoting scholarship and public understanding about the origins and development of the early North American and Atlantic economies, including such topics as the cultures of business, local and international commerce, manufacturing, labor, political economy, households, gender, and technology. PEAES offers many research fellowships each year to both junior and senior scholars, sponsors a monograph publication series with Johns Hopkins University Press, holds annual conferences and publishes their scholarly proceedings, holds seminars and colloquia, sponsors public programs, and aids the acquisition and conserving of printed materials that augment the rich collections at the Library Company. PEAES strives to extend these resources to as wide an audience as possible, and to stimulate a broad and ongoing discussion of its themes. For more information please contact PEAES Director Cathy Matson at cmatson@UDEL.edu and visit the program’s website at www.librarycompany.org/economics.