2003-2004 PEAES Fellows

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Dr. Brian Schoen, University of Virginia, “The Fragile Economic Fabric of Union: The Cotton South, Federal Union, and the Atlantic World Economy, 1787-1860.”

Dr. Richard Chew, Visiting Assistant Professor in History, Bucknell University, “Interests at Odds with Empire: Currency, the Coastal Trade, and the Making of American Nationhood.”

Dissertation Fellow

Linzy Brekke, Ph.D. candidate in History, Harvard University, “The Scourge of Fashion: Clothing and Cultural Anxiety in the Economy of the New Nation, 1783-1800.”

James Alexander Dun, Ph.D. candidate in History, Princeton University, “Dangerous Neighbors: Slavery, Race, and St. Domingue in the Early American Republic, 1789-1800.”

Short-Term Fellows

Dr. Sherry Johnson, Florida International University, “Mercantilism Meets Mother Nature: Climate, Colonialism, and Economic Change in Cuba, 1763-1783.”

Christian Koot, Ph.D. candidate in History, The University of Delaware, “In Pursuit of Profit: Persistent Dutch Influence in the Inter-Imperial Trade of New York and the Lesser Antilles, 1621-1689.”

Dr. Kim Gruenwald, Assistant Professor of History, Kent State University, “Claiming a Continental Empire: Philadelphia Merchants and the Trans-Appalachian Frontier.”

Richard Demirjian, Ph.D. candidate in American History, The University of Delaware, “‘To All the Great Interests’: Political Economy and the Road to a Monroe Doctrine, 1783-1823.”