The following lists provide examples of genre and other terms applied to Library Company catalog records for books, broadsides, and periodicals. Please keep in mind that the lists are not comprehensive and are subject to change. Also, terms have not been applied exhaustively throughout the collection. These terms can be searched in WolfPAC using Form/Genre or All Fields as the Field to Search.
Addresses Advertisements Albums Almanacs Alphabet books Anti-abolition literature Anti-abolition prints Anti-Catholic literature Anti-slave trade literature Antislavery literature Atlases (Geographic) Auction catalogs Autobiographies Baccalaureate addresses Bible stories Bills Biographies Blank forms Books for the visually impaired Books in parts (Publishing) Books printed as advertisements Booksellers’ advertisements Booksellers’ catalogs Broadside poems Broadsides Campaign biographies Campaign literature Campaign songs Campaign speeches Captivity narratives Caricatures Carriers’ addresses Catechisms Censuses Certificates Chapbooks Charters College catalogs Confessions Congressional addresses Constitutions Cookbooks
Daguerreotypes Dedication sermons Devotional literature Dialogues Diaries Dictionaries Dime novels Directories Drawing books Emblem books Encyclopedias Eulogies Execution sermons Exhibition catalogs Fables Fairy tales Fantasy literature Fast day sermons Fiction Folk tales Fourth of July addresses Fourth of July sermons Funeral addresses Funeral sermons Games Gazetteers Gift books Grammars Guidebooks Hymns Imaginary voyages Installation sermons Itineraries Jesuit relations Juvenile literature Laws Legal works Legislative addresses Letters Library catalogs Libretti Lithographs Liturgical books Maps Medical formularies Memoirs Memorials (Commemorative) Memorials (Legal) Menus Military manuals Military registers Minstrel shows Minstrel songs
Narratives National songs Offprints Operas Parodies Petitions Pharmacopoeias Playbills Plays Poems Poetry of places Prayer books Prayers Price lists Primers (Instructional books) Printers’ advertisements Programs Promptbooks Prospectuses Publishers’ advertisements Publishers’ catalogs Questions and answers Readers Rebuses Regimental histories Sample books Satires School catalogs Scores Sermons Slave narratives Songsters Spellers Spirit communications Subscription editions (Publishing) Textbooks Thanksgiving day addresses Thanksgiving sermons Tracts Trade catalogs Travel literature Treaties Trials Type specimens Volvelles Yearbook |
Author’s presentation copies Aquatints Bevelled edge boards Binders' instructions Binders’ tickets Blind stamps Blind tooled bindings Bookplates Books in parts (Publishing) Booksellers’ labels Chromolithographs Colored plates Color printing (Printing) Decorated papers Deerskin bindings Divided books (Binding) Dummies (Publishing) Dust jackets Embossed bindings Embossed cloth bindings Embroidered bindings False imprints (Publishing) Fine bindings (Binding) Fine paper printings (Publishing) Flap bindings Fore-edge paintings Galley proofs (Printing) |
Gold blocked bindings Hand-colored plates Illuminated books Ink stamps Inlays Insertions Jeweled bindings Lacquered bindings Leather bindings Leatherette Limp bindings Lithographs Marbled calf bindings Metal clasps Mezzotints Morocco bindings Mother-of-pearl bindings (Binding) Needlepoint bindings Onlays Papier m â chébindings Paste papers Photographs Pictorial bindings Pictorial cloth bindings Pigskin bindings Pre-ornamented cloth bindings Presentation bindings Printed boards Printed cloth bindings (Binding) |
Printed waste Printed wrappers Privately published books (Publishing) Prize bindings Prize books Proofs (Printing) Publishers' cloth bindings Publishers' paper bindings Raised panel bindings (Binding) Relief prints Ribbon-embossed cloth bindings Russia leather bindings Signed bindings Silk bindings (Binding) Stamps Striped cloth bindings (Binding) Subscription editions (Publishing) Subscription lists (Publishing) Tree calf bindings Tree calf bindings (imitation) (Binding) Wall-paper bindings (Binding) Watercolor drawings Withdrawn copies |
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