J. Luther Ringwalt, American Encyclopaedia of Printing (Philadelphia: Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871).


J. Luther Ringwalt, American Encyclopaedia of Printing (Philadelphia: Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871).


Following the Civil War, the apprentice system at lithographic establishments weakened. With the increasing departmentalization of work flow, a comprehensive knowledge of the trade became less important. Ringwalt’s encyclopedia, published in 1871, served as an instruction manual for a changing breed of beginner and contained over 1,600 entries and 200 illustrations to educate its audience about the history, machinery, tools, process, and products of printing. Retired premier lithographer Peter S. Duval contributed a noted entry on lithography, and his son Stephen’s firm, Duval & Hunter, printed a number of the illustrations, including this embellished portrait of Senefelder. 


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