David C. Scattergood, “Wagner & McGuigan Lithographic Establishment.” Wood engraving in The Philadelphia Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ Business Directory for 1856-57 (Philadelphia: Prepared & Published by Griswold & Co., [1856]).


David C. Scattergood, “Wagner & McGuigan Lithographic Establishment.” Wood engraving in The Philadelphia Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ Business Directory for 1856-57 (Philadelphia: Prepared & Published by Griswold & Co., [1856]).


Wagner & McGuigan advertised having over forty presses at the time of this view and retained several printers in addition to apprentices who performed tasks, such as moving the heavy stones back and forth from the presses with pulleys. Larger lithographic firms, like this partnership, would allow visitors, like the couple depicted, to tour their facilities to promote interest in their business.


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