Emily C. Judson. Memoir
of Sarah B. Judson (New York, 1852), portrait stamped on cover in
BOARDMAN JUDSON (1803 - 1845)
Sarah Boardman Judson, born in Alstead, New Hampshire,
married the Rev. George D. Boardman, in 1825. She accompanied him to a
Baptist mission in Burma,
where he died in 1831. Three years later, she married the Rev. Adoniram Judson
after the death of his wife Ann Judson, and continued to
proselytize with him in Burma
until her health started to decline. She died on St. Helena island while on
her way home to America.
After Mrs. Judson’s death, the Rev. Judson
commissioned Emily Chubbuck to write a memoir
of her. Emily Chubbuck was then better
known by her pseudonym “Fanny Forester,” but later became better
known as Emily C. Judson, following her marriage to the Rev. Judson. In the
volume, first published in 1848, Emily Chubbuck quotes Sarah Judson’s
recollection of being left a widow with a young son, after the death of her
first husband, the Rev. Boardman:
“When I first stood by the grave of my husband, I
thought I must go home with George. But these poor, inquiring, and Christian
Karens, and the school-boys, and the Burmese Christians, would then be left
without any one to instruct them; and the poor, stupid Tavoyans would go on
in the road to death, with no one to warn them of their danger. How then, oh!
how can I go? We shall not be separated long. A few more years, and we shall
all meet in yonder blissful world, whither those we love have gone before
us.” (p. 149)