




Made Possible by NEH,

National Endowment for the Humanities

Hosted by LCP,

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Sponsored by SHEAR,

Society of Historians of the Early American Republic

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Directors: John L. Larson and Michael A. Morrison, Purdue University

You will be housed in Drexel University’s undergraduate dormitories, located in West Philadelphia, roughly four miles from the Library Company. The Drexel dorms include kitchen facilities, a lounge with cable tv, and laundry facilities. (A weekly linen service will be offered for a small additional fee). Housing units are located conveniently near subway and bus-lines to the Library Company. For those who do not mind walking, the Library Company is about a 40-minute walk from summer housing. West Philadelphia is a vibrant university locale (the University of Pennsylvania is across from Drexel housing), featuring numerous stores, bookshops, cafés and a movie theater complex. Drexel housing is quite affordable: $300 per week for single room. Those who stay on campus will also have access to the Drexel Library (though this will not include borrowing privileges) and computer system. While we encourage you to stay at Drexel to promote collegiality and intellectual exchange, we will also provide information on other housing opportunities in the Philadelphia area.

Drexel Dorms

Drexel Dorms

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