




Made Possible by NEH,

National Endowment for the Humanities

Hosted by LCP,

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Sponsored by SHEAR,

Society of Historians of the Early American Republic

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American Philosophical Society at www.amphilsoc.org

Historical Society of Pennsylvania at www.hsp.org

Philadelphia Athenaeum at www.philaathenaeum.org

College of Physicians at www.collphyphil.org

Society for Historians of the Early American Republic at www.shear.org

McNeil Center for Early American Studies at www.mceas.org


LCP Resources:

WolfPAC is the catalog of the Library Company of Philadelphia, and the gateway to the catalogs of several other area libraries. It is named in honor of Edwin Wolf 2nd, 1911-1991. Mr. Wolf was Librarian at the Library Company from 1953 to 1984; under his direction, the Library Company, founded in 1731 as the first subscription library in America, became an independent research library serving the scholarly community worldwide. Click Here to Search WolfPAC

ImPAC the digital collections catalog features a growing number of the Library Company’s graphic, ephemera and bindings collections. It complements and supplements the descriptive records in our on-line catalog WolfPAC, and the on-line exhibitions and featured collections mounted on our website. Users may browse the digital collections or search for images by creator, title, subject or keyword(s). Thumbnail images are displayed beside the descriptive records with the option to enlarge the images. Click Here to Search ImPAC.

LCP Electronic subscriptions and resources - Books & Periodicals

Useful research sites on a variety of subjects recommended by the LCP staff

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