Animation work in progress, Jennifer Levonian

I thought I’d show you some shots of my animation backdrops and puppets. To animate facial expressions, hand gestures, and other motion sequences, I make series of replaceable parts. I place each piece on a painted backdrop, snap a photo, swap the piece for another, and repeat. Here are a few examples from the upcoming animation.

The first image is a scene from my interview with Wendy the Civil War reenactor, the second will show a car entering a snowy driveway, and the third image will become a man poking a straw into a takeout cup of orange juice.

Animation work in progress, Jennifer Levonian

Animation work in progress, Jennifer Levonian

2 replies
  1. M. Barkwell
    M. Barkwell says:

    I'm curious, now that you have a subject do you plan on revealing any of the narrative aspects of your animation? I am familiar with some of your previous work and you often appear as a character. Given the image above, I assume you will be a part of this animation as well. When you appear in the animations, is it you, or, a projection, a fictional fantasy of sorts?

    Can't wait to see the completed animation.

    – M. Barkwell


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