Curator of Printed Books x-129
Rachel D’Agostino joined the Library Company in 2000. She is the Curator of Printed Books, previously having worked as Reference Librarian, and in the Cataloging and Administration departments. She has worked most extensively with the Library Company’s collections of printing for the blind, historical ephemera, institutional and popular medicine, and early American imprints. In 2013, she co-curated the Library Company’s exhibition Remnants of Everyday Life: Historical Ephemera in the Workplace, Street, and Home. She followed this in 2016 with Common Touch: The Art of the Senses in the History of the Blind, and in 2022 with Hearing Voices: Memoirs from the Margins of Mental Health. Rachel has taught numerous classes on book history and book arts, and served as Senior Lecturer at the University of the Arts until 2022. In addition to an MLS from Clarion University, Rachel holds a Master of Theological Studies degree from Harvard Divinity School and a B.A. in Religion from Temple University.