Fireside Chat: Plum Pudding and Spartans Brave: The Pamphlet War Over the Paxton Massacre
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: The Nature of the Future: Agriculture, Science, and Capitalism in the Antebellum North (Book Talk)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Carbon Futures: Cultivating Coal Consumption in the Second Quarter of the 19th Century
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Art & Spectacle in the 19th-Century United States (Part 2)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Art & Spectacle in the 19th-Century United States (Part 1)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: When Novels Were Books (Jordan Alexander Stein)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Cultivated by Hand: Amateur Musicians in the Early American Republic (Glenda Goodman)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast

Fireside Chat: From Boston Marriages to the Lavender Menace (Megan Springate)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Female Husbands: A Trans History (Jen Manion)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: The Hymnal: A Reading History (Chris Phillips)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Eighteenth-Century Seeds & the Case for Greening Book History (Maria Zytaruk)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast

Fireside Chat: The Making of “Civil War Medicine” (Carole Adrienne)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast

Fireside Chat: William Penn’s Letter to the King of the Lenape, a Choral Work (Jeff Thomas)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: The Mysteries of the “Lost Colony” and the Iroquois Confederacy (Arwin D. Smallwood)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast
Fireside Chat: Slave Revolt and the Practices of Containment (Cameron Seglias)
Podcasts, Talking in the Library Podcast