We Dig: 200 Years of Extraction in the Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania
All News, Artist at LCP, LCP News
Women Get Things Done VIRTUALLY!
All News, Artist at LCP, Beyond the Reading Room, Program in Women's History, Seminars

Video & Press
All News, Artist at LCPIf you're not able to visit the Library Company to see the exhibit, you can watch the finished animation on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/librarycompany/rebelliousbird
Also, I'd like to share some recent press. This project was mentioned in the…

Reception & Talk!
All News, Artist at LCPThis Thursday we'll screen the animation and I'll discuss my creative process. Civil War re-enactor Wendy Ramsburg, the subject of my animation, will also speak. Please join us!
Thursday, June 2, 2011—Reception at 5:30 p.m., Program at…

All News, Artist at LCP1,676 still photographs of 42 painted backgrounds + dozens of puppets = 1 completed 9-minute animation!

All News, Artist at LCP
I thought I'd show you some shots of my animation backdrops and puppets. To animate facial expressions, hand gestures, and other motion sequences, I make series of replaceable parts. I place each piece on a painted backdrop, snap a photo,…

Laying Out Exhibition Cases
All News, Artist at LCPReference Librarian Linda August and Curator of Prints and Photographs Sarah Weatherwax are collaborating on a small exhibition to accompany Jennifer Levonian's animated video. Women not only fought as men in the Civil War, they also concealed…

All News, Artist at LCP
March is flying by and I've been busy painting the backgrounds for my animation.

Wendy in Disguise
All News, Artist at LCP
As I continued to read about the topic of women soldiers in the Civil War, I learned that there are a number of women that disguise themselves as men to portray male soldiers in Civil War re-enactments. This discovery led me to the panhandle…

Choosing a Topic
All News, Artist at LCP
When I began to visit the Library Company’s Print Room to view the McAllister Collection of Civil War ephemera, I was both fascinated and overwhelmed by the collection and the scope of the subject. Not only did the Civil War seem much…

Illustrating the Civil War
All News, Artist at LCPJennifer recently visited the Library Company to look at some of our printed material, including Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. Leslie’s was a heavily illustrated American literary and news serial founded in 1855. It portrayed the…

All News, Artist at LCP
I’m Jennifer Levonian, a Philadelphia artist working in painting and cut-paper animation. The above self-portrait is a still from an animation I made last winter. Currently, I’m making an animation inspired by the Library Company’s…