Prisoners of Congress: Philadelphia's Quaker Exiles and the Shareholders Among Them

03apr7:00 pm8:00 pmPrisoners of Congress: Philadelphia's Quaker Exiles and the Shareholders Among ThemMember Event

Event Details

Prisoners of Congress: Philadelphia’s Quakers in Exile, 1777-1778, and the Shareholders Among Them

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
7:00 pm
Virtual Event | Free for Members

In September 1777, at the height of revolutionary fever, Congress labeled Quakers who would not take up arms for independence as traitors and “the most Dangerous Enemies America knows.” Fueled by fraudulent documents accusing Quaker leaders of conspiring with British forces, twenty prominent Philadelphians, twelve of whom were also Library Company shareholders, were denied any hearing, stripped of habeas corpus rights and sent by the Congress and Pennsylvania authorities into exile in Virginia until 1778.

Join historian and Library Company shareholder Norman E. Donoghue II for a captivating discussion of the Quaker exiles, the harrowing journey to Virginia, and their families’ efforts to free their loved ones from captivity.




April 3, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-04:00)