Rights & Reproductions Usage Guidelines

Note: As of September 2024, the Library Company of Philadelphia is no longer offering digitization services.

Unless otherwise specified, The Library Company of Philadelphia does not claim copyright over the materials in its collections. The user/publishing party of supplied reproductions assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of the U.S. Copyright Code. The user may be asked to supply the Library Company with a copy of any publication or project in which the reproductions appear. All use of Library Company reproductions should be accompanied by a credit line appropriate for the medium in which the image(s) is reproduced.

1. The Library Company does not charge fees for licensing or rights distribution. Fees will only be charged for new digitization requests. If there are fees associated with you order, payment in advance is required before delivery.

2. Please complete a new Reproductions Usage Form for each use of Library Company images. The Library Company considers a single use to be inclusion of an item within a project where the format has not been altered. Please do not reuse images without the notifying the Library Company.

3. The credit line must read The Library Company of Philadelphia. A credit line must appear next to each reproduction in publication formats, or in the end credits for broadcast/film usages. If images are used online, they should include the above credit line along with a hyperlink to the Library Company’s website: www.librarycompany.org

Failure to credit properly may result in refusal to supply images in the future.

4. The Library Company requires 1 reference copy of the publication containing the item(s) reproduced. It is not necessary to provide a copy of the publication for textbooks or encyclopedias.