Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Abolition Website

Since 2006, incoming Library Company Director Richard Newman has on five occasions taught well-received summer seminars at the Library Company for K-12 teachers on the Abolition Movement. In 2012, the National Endowment for the Humanities—which…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

“Outsulating” the Ridgway Library

In a continuing effort to maintain our nearly 50-year-old building so that it will continue to meet our needs for many years to come, we have been making a series of capital improvements. Currently two major projects are underway, partially…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Summer is for Internships

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As in past years, this summer a number of departments will have the benefit of talented young interns—including several funded by prestigious programs such as the highly competitive International Fine Print Dealers Association Foundation…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Library Company Lecture in Honor of John C. Van Horne

On May 28, Library Company members will gather at the American Philosophical Society to listen to a conversation with award-winning author Nathaniel Philbrick and Library Company Trustee and McNeil Center for Early American Studies Director…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Library Company Digital Collections on Flickr Commons

The Library Company is excited to announce its new membership in Flickr Commons, which features digital collections from cultural heritage institutions and encourages further sharing, commenting and crowdsourcing by the general public.   The…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Milt Tonkin Music Fund

A recent acquisition of sheet music will be getting a very special bookplate this spring. Lillian Tonkin, who began working at the Library Company in 1957 and retired in 1980, has chosen to honor the memory of her late husband by creating…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

“By Dawn’s Early Light” at the Center for Jewish History

Materials from the Library Company’s collections will be featured in an exhibition at the Center for Jewish History in New York that looks at the contributions of Jewish people in the early Republic and the creation of American Jewish culture.…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Announcing the 2014-2015 Post-Doctoral Fellows

The Library Company is pleased to announce the seven recipients of National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Program in African American History (PAAH) Mellon Scholars, and Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES)…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Khalil Gibran Muhammad

On Tuesday, March 18, Khalil Gibran Muhammad, Director of the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, will give a special presentation to Library Company members on the significance of African American…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

NDSA Philly Regional Meeting

In January, the Library Company hosted the Philadelphia regional meeting of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) featuring a slate of speakers representing some of the most influential thinking in digital preservation today. Storage…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

“That’s So Gay” Opens with Fanfare

Despite record-breaking snowfall, 150 people convened at the Library Company on Valentine’s Day to view the new exhibition that is getting noticed around the country. From traditional print and broadcast media to websites and blogs, the story…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Birthday Wishes for Ben

It seems that more than 200 years after his death, Library Company Founder Benjamin Franklin still captures the imagination of the ladies—or the girls anyway. Shortly after his January 17 birthday this year, we received a heartfelt and hand-drawn…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Library Company Material on Display at Swann Galleries

  Antebellum and Civil War-era highlights of the Library Company’s African Americana Collection will be on display at Swann Auction Galleries from March 22 to 26. In conjunction with its Printed & Manuscript African Americana…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

ALA Declaration of the Right to Libraries

On January 27, students, parents, and advocates signed the ALA Declaration of the Right to Libraries in the Library Company’s Logan Room in conjunction with the American Library Association winter conference. The ceremonial signing showed…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

$500,000 NEH Challenge Grant Award

The Library Company has been awarded a $500,000 Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to endow the Program in African American History. Announced last month, the award is one of three Challenge Grants awarded to institutions…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Gay History in Early America

Late gay activist Harry Hay thought history knew more about gay people than it knew it knew. “That’s So Gay: Outing Early America” exhibition curator Cornelia King couldn’t agree more. As with so many areas of historical inquiry, the…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

More of Our Favorite Things

Catch up with the blog series by Library Company staff about their favorite things in the collections. Since September, staff have contributed thirteen posts explaining their special attachments to little-known items and providing a wealth…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

Inaugural John C. Van Horne Lecture

How does an institution honor a Director for almost 30 years of service?  It starts with an endowed lecture in his name.  Mark your calendars for May 28, 2014, when the Library Company will welcome acclaimed writer Nathaniel Philbrick as…
Susan Shifrin at the April 9th event

A Jewel of a Franklin Miniature

In October, Library Company Trustee Davida Deutsch saw a Franklin miniature by French artist Jean Baptiste Weyler (1747-1791) for sale at the Phillip Mould Gallery in London. One look and she knew we had to acquire it for the Library Company.   Painted…