Program in Early American Economy & Society Article Prizes


Paul Clemens, “The Consumer Culture of the Middle Atlantic, 1760–1820,” William and Mary Quarterly (October 2005).


Jennifer L. Anderson, “Nature’s Currency: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade and the Commodification of Nature in the Eighteenth Century,” Early American Studies (Spring 2004).

Gail MacLeitch, “’Red’ Labor: Iroquois Participation in the Atlantic Economy,” Labor: Studies of Working-Class History of the Americas, Volume 1, Issue 4 (2004).


Andrew Shankman, “’A New Thing on Earth’: Alexander Hamilton, Pro-Manufacturing Republicans, and the Democratization of American Political Economy,” Journal of the Early Republic, 23 (Fall 2003).

Naomi Lamoreaux, “Rethinking the Transition to Capitalism in the Early American Northeast,” Journal of American History, 90 (September 2003).


Ruth Herndon and John Murray, “Markets for Children in Early America: A Political Economy of Pauper Apprenticeship,” Journal of Economic History (June 2002).


Simon Middleton, University of East Anglia, “’How it came that the bakers bake no bread’: A Struggle for Trade Privileges in Seventeenth-Century New Amsterdam,” William and Mary Quarterly (April 2001).

Ann M. Carlos and Frank D. Lewis, “Trade, Consumption, and the Native Economy: Lessons from York Factory, Hudson Bay,” Journal of Economic History (December 2001).


David Cowen, “The First Bank of the United States and the Securities Market Crash of 1792,” Journal of Economic History, 60 (December 2000), 1041–1060.

Robert Martello, “Paul Revere’s Last Ride: The Road to Rolling Copper,” Journal of the Early Republic, 20 (Summer 2000), 219–239.


Peter Mancall and Thomas Weiss, “Was Economic Growth Likely in colonial British North America?” Journal of Economic History, 59 (March 1999), 17–40.

Lance Davis and Stanley Engerman, “The Economy of British North America: Miles Traveled, Miles Still to Go,” William and Mary Quarterly, 56 (January 1999), 9–22.

Robert Wright, “Bank Ownership and Lending Patterns in New York and Pennsylvania, 1781–1831,” Business History Review, 73 (Spring 1999), 40–60.