Program in African American History Fellows, 2024-2025

Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Postdoctoral Fellow

Jake Nussbaum, independent scholar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PhD in Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania)
Beyond Time: Experiments in Performance and Abolition, Philadelphia

Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Dissertation Fellows

Jorden E. Sanders, PhD Candidate, Department of English, Rutgers University
Un/Booked and Un/Bound: Retuning the Human in the Soundscape of Early African American Writing

Hampton Smith, PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Making against Exploitation: Artisanry and Abolition towards the Black Atlantic Commons, 1791–1890

Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Short-Term Fellows

Erica Duncan, PhD Candidate, Department of History, New York University
Childish Freedoms: Black Children and the Making of Freedom in South Carolina and the Bahamas

Marcus Nevius, Associate Professor, Kinder Institute and Department of History, University of Missouri
Internal Enemy of the Most Alarming Kind: Marronage and the Political Economy of Fear in the British Atlantic in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions

Chinaza Amaeze Okoli, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Eastern Kentucky University
Popular Performance Cultures and Black Atlantic Literature, 1750–1830

Gabrielle Straughn, PhD student, Department of History, University of California, Irvine
Mixed-Race Women’s Identities in the United States, 1776–1861