Mellon Scholars Internship/Workshop Application
Instructions for Submitting your Application
The application deadline is March 15, 2025, with notification by April 15, 2025.
Eligible candidates may apply for both the workshop and the internship. If you wish to apply for both opportunities, check both boxes on the application form. To apply:
Create a SINGLE PDF DOCUMENT including the following elements and upload it below: your resume, a 500-750-word personal statement, and a one-to-two-page description of the proposed research using Library Company of Philadelphia’s collections, describing future goals and how the internship or workshop would further those goals.
One letter of recommendation from a faculty member familiar with the applicant’s academic work should be sent to Calvina Perry at
In addition, official undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) school transcripts should be mailed to: Library Company of Philadelphia, Attn: Mellon Scholars Internship and Workshop Committee, 1314 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.