Articles by Library Company Fellows Based on Research with the Collections

Accardo, Peter X. (1999–2000). “American Editions of Byron, 1811 to 1830,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 93 (1999): 484–93.

Adams, Sean Patrick (2000–1). “Old Dominions and Industrial Commonwealths: The Political Economy of Coal in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1810–1875,” Enterprise and Society 1 (2000): 675–682.

Adams, Sean Patrick (2004–5). “Warming the Poor and Growing Consumers: Fuel Philanthropy in the Early Republic’s Urban North,” Journal of American History 95 (1) (2008): 69–94.

Adelman, Joseph (2011–12). “Trans-Atlantic Migration and the Printing Trade in Revolutionary America,” Early American Studies 11 (3) (2013): 516–544.

Altschuler, Sari (2010–11). “From Blood Vessels to Global Networks of Exchange: the Physiology of Benjamin Rush’s Early Republic,” Journal of the Early Republic 32 (2) (2012): 207–231.

Anderson, Jennifer L. (2001–2). “Nature’s Currency: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade and the Commodification of Nature in the Eighteenth Century,” Early American Studies 2 (1) (2004): 47–80.

Baer, Friederike (2006–7). “Speaking American,” American History 42 (3) (2007): 60–64.

Baer-Wallis, Friederike (1999–2000). “They ‘Speak Irish But Should Speak German’: Language and Citizenship in Philadelphia’s German Community, c. 1800–1820,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 128 (1) (2004): 5–33.

Barbour, Alecia (2011–12). “Home is Together: Sounds of Belonging in the Correspondence of Two Japanese American Families Separated by Wartime Incarceration.” Journal of the Society of American Music 17/4 (November 2023): 337–359.

Barker, Patrick T. (2019–20). “‘To Work Her Grounds’: Provision Grounds, Gardens, and Subsistence in Late-Slavery Trinidad, 1824–1833,” The Journal of Caribbean History 57:1 (June 2023), 1–33.

Bascom, Ben (2022–23). “Feeling Solitary in the Seductive Republic: Narrative Deviance in Elizabeth ‘Harriot’ Wilson and William ‘Amos’ Wilson,” Early American Literature 59:1 (2024): 9–40.

Baumgartner, Kabria (2014–15). “Building the Future: White Women, Black Education, and Civic Inclusion in Antebellum Ohio,” Journal of the Early Republic 37 (1) (2017): 117–145.

Baysa, Michael (2020–21). “Printing, Publics, and Pudding: Charles Chauncy’s Universal Salvation and the Material Transformation of New England Orthodoxy.” Church History 92, no. 2 (2023): 291–311.

Beiler, Rosalind J. (2006–7). “Dissenting Religious Communication Networks and European Migration, 1660–1710,” in Soundings in Atlantic History: Latent Structures and Intellectual Currents, 1500–1830, Bernard Bailyn and Patricia L. Denault, eds. Harvard University Press, 2009.

Beiler, Rosalind J. (2006–7). “Information Networks and the Dynamics of Migration: Swiss Anabaptist Exiles and Their Host Communities,” in Religious Refugees in Europe, Asia and North America (6th–21st Centuries), edited by Susanne Lachenicht. Münster: Lit. Verlag, 2007.

Beiler, Rosalind J. (2006–7). “Migration and Loss of Spiritual Community: The Case of Daniel Falckner and Anna Maria Schubart,” in Enduring Loss in Early Modern Germany, edited by Lynne Tatlock. Leiden: Brill, 2010.

Beisel, Nicola (1988). “Class, Culture, and Campaigns against Vice in Three American Cities, 1872–1892,” American Sociological Review 55 (1990): 44–62.

Beisel, Nicola (1988). “Morals versus Art: Censorship, the Politics of Interpretation, and the Victorian Nude,” American Sociological Review 58 (1993): 145–62.

Bell, Richard (2013–14). “Counterfeit Kin: Kidnappers of Color, the Reverse Underground Railroad, and the Origins of Practical Abolition,” Journal of the Early Republic 38 (2) (2018): 199–230.

Bell, Richard J. (2003–4). “Do Not Despair: Suicide in the Archives,” Common-Place 4 (2004) [online journal].

Bell, Richard J. (2003–4). “The Double Guilt of Dueling: The Stain of Suicide in Anti-Dueling Rhetoric in the Early Republic,” Journal of the Early Republic 29 (3) (2009): 383–410.

Bellion, Wendy (1999–2000). “Heads of State: Profiles and Politics in Jeffersonian America.” In New Media, 1740–1915, eds. Lisa Gitelman and Geoffrey B. Pingree, 31–59. MIT Press, 2003.

Bellion, Wendy (1999–2000). “Illusion and Allusion: Charles Willson Peale’s Staircase Group at the Columbianum Exhibition,” American Art 17 (2) (2003): 18–39.

Bellion, Wendy (1999–2000). “Pleasing Deceptions,” Common-Place 3 (2002) [online journal].

Berman, C.N. (2019). “Motherhood on a Mission: Missionaries, ‘Heathens,’ and the Maternal Ideal in the Early American Republic,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 17 (4), 474–497.

Block, Sharon (2022–23). “Rewriting the Rape of Rachel: Historical Methods, Historical Justice,” The William and Mary Quarterly, 80 (4) (2023), 649–676.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “‘Bitter with the Salt of Continents’: Rachel Carson and Oceanic Returns,” Women’s Studies Quarterly 45, (1–2) (Spring/Summer 2017): 287–291.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “Charles Francis Hall’s Arctic Researches,” The Sea and Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Culture, eds. Steven Mentz and Martha Elena Rojas (Routledge Press, 2017), 47–65.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “First Person Nautical: Poetry and Play at Sea,” co-authored with Jason Rudy, J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists 1 (1) (Spring 2013): 189–194.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “John Cleves Symmes and the Planetary Reach of Polar Exploration,” American Literature 84 (2) (June 2012): 243–271.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “Melville in the Arctic,” Leviathan 20 (1) (March 2018): 74–84.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). Special Focus Issue Editor; and “Introduction: Oceanic Studies,” Atlantic Studies 10 (2) (2013).

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “The News at the End of the Earth: Polar Periodicals,” Unsettled States: Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies, edited by Dana Luciano and Ivy Wilson. New York University Press, 2014.

Blum, Hester (2010–11). “Terraqueous Planet: The Case for Oceanic Studies,” in The Planetary Turn: Art, Dialogue, and Geoaesthetics in the 21st-Century, edited by Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru. Northwestern University Press, 2014.

Bodle, Wayne. (2005–6). “Atlantic History is the New ‘New Social History.’” William & Mary Quarterly 64:1 (January 2007): 203–220.

Bodle, Wayne K. (2005–6). “La Logistique et l’armée Francaise en Amérique,” in Proceedings of the international symposium held May 18–19, 2006 at l’Ecole militaire de Paris, at the initiative of the Société des Cincinnati. Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2008.

Bodle, Wayne K. (2005–6). “The Mid-Atlantic and the American Revolution,” Pennsylvania History 82 (3) (Summer 2015).

Bodle, Wayne K. (2005–6). “The Middle Colonies,” in Converging Worlds: Communities and Cultures in Colonial America, edited by Louise A. Breen. Routledge, 2012.

Boudreau, George W. (1994–95). “‘Done by a Tradesman’: Franklin’s Educational Proposals and the Culture of Eighteenth-Century Pennsylvania,” Pennsylvania History 69 (4) (2002): 524–557.

Boudreau, George (1994–95). “‘Highly Valuable and Extensively Useful’: Community and Readership among the Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia Middling Sort,” Pennsylvania History 63 (1996): 302–29.

Bouldin, Elizabeth (2020-21). “‘So Prays the Muse Unus’d to Artful Song’: Female Friends and Eighteenth-Century Poetry,” Quaker Studies 29, no. (2024): 1-20

Brandt, Susan (2011–12). “‘Getting into a Little Business’: Margaret Hill Morris and Women’s Medical Entrepreneurship during the American Revolution,” Early American Studies 13 (2015): 774–807.

Branson, Susan (2000–1). “Gendered Strategies for Success in the Early Nineteenth-Century Literary Marketplace: Mary Carr and the Ladies’ Tea Tray,” Journal of American Studies, 40 (2006): 35–51.

Brekke, Linzy (2003–4). “‘To Make a Figure’: Clothing and the Politics of Male Identity in Eighteenth-Century America.” In Gender, Taste, and Material Culture in Britain and North America, 1700–1830, eds. John Styles and Amanda Vickery, 225–246. Yale Center for British Art, 2006.

Brooks, Corey (2008–9). “Stoking the ‘Abolition Fire in the Capital’: Liberty Party Lobbying and Antislavery in Congress,” Journal of the Early Republic 33 (3) (2013): 523–547.

Brooks, Lynn Matluck (2017–18). “The Blackface and the Blanc in Antebellum America: A Style Analysis of Contrasting Movement Forms,” Journal of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies I/2 (2023): 7–24.

Brooks, Lynn Matluck (2017–18). “Danza española en la escena americana temprana: una perspectiva desde Filadelfia,” 233–56, in Tras los pasos de la Sílfide: Imaginarios españoles del ballet romántico a la danza moderna, eds. Idoia Murga Castro, Carolina Miguel Arroyo, Irene López Arnáiz, and Alejandro Coello Hernández (Museo Nacional del Romanticismo, 2022).

Brooks, Lynn Matluck (2017–18). “Race, Rank, and Reform in Antebellum Philadelphia Social Dance,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography CXLIV/2 (April 2020): 147–78.

Brooks, Lynn Matluck (2017–18). “Representing Others to Find Us in Antebellum U.S. Dance,” 398–429, in Celebrating Flamenco’s Tangled Roots: The Body Questions, eds. K. Meira Goldberg and Antoni Pizà (Cambridge Scholars, 2023).

Brooks, Lynn Matluck (2017–18). “So Revealing: Ballerinas on Antebellum U.S. Stages,” Dance Research 41/2 (Winter 2023): 253–74.

Brown, John K. (1988). “The Baldwin Locomotive Works, the Capital Equipment Sector, and American Industrial Practice in the Nineteenth Century,” Business and Economic History 22 (1993): 7–12.

Brown, John K. (1988), co-author. “Comments on the System and Shop Practices of the Baldwin Locomotive Works,” Railroad History 173 (1995): 102–41.

Brown, Matthew P. (2008–9). “Document,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16 (4) (2018): 643–47.

Browne, Randy (2014–15). “Florence Hall’s ‘Memoirs’: Finding African Women in the Transatlantic Slave Trade,” co-authored with John Wood Sweet, Slavery and Abolition 37 (1) (March 2016).

Brown, Matthew P. (2008–9). “Hand Piety; or, Operating a Book in Early New England,” in Cultural Narratives: Textuality and Performance in American Culture before 1900, edited by Sandra M. Gustafson and Caroline F. Sloat. University of Notre Dame Press, 2010.

Brown, Matthew P. (2008–9). “The Tiger’s Leap and the Dog’s Paw,” in Early American Literature 44:3 (November 2009): 657–675.

Browne, Randy (2014–15). “The Guianas,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History, edited by Trevor Burnard. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Brownlee, Peter (2001–2). “Ophthalmology, Popular Physiology, and the Market Revolution in Vision, 1800–1850,” Journal of the Early Republic 28 (4) (2008): 597–626.

Brückner, Martin. “The Lithographed Map in Philadelphia: Innovation, Imitation, and Antebellum Consumer Culture,” Winterthur Portfolio 48, 2/3 (2014): 139–162.

Brummitt, Jamie L. (2016–17). “‘How Dare Men Mix up the Bible so with Their Own Bad Passions’: When the Good Book Became the Bad Book in the American Civil War,” Material Religion, 18.2 (2022) 129–160.

Burke, Martin J. (1995–96). “Catholicity and Civilization: Catholics and the Capitalist Ethic in Nineteenth-Century America,” Essays in Economic and Business History 17 (1999): 125–35.

Cahill, Edward (2011–12). “The English Origins of American Upward Mobility; or, The Invention of Benjamin Franklin,” English Literary History 83 (2) (Summer 2016): 543–571.

Cahill, Edward (2011–12).  “Social Mobility and Satire in the American Plantations,” Early American Studies 17 (2) (2019): 183–214.

Calvert, Jane E. (2001–2). “Liberty Without Tumult: Understanding the Politics of John Dickinson,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 131 (3) (2007): 233–262.

Camp, Stephanie M H. (1998–99). “‘I Could Not Stay There’: Enslaved Women, Truancy and the Geography of Everyday Forms of Resistance in the Antebellum Plantation South,” Slavery & Abolition 23 (2002): 1–20.

Camp, Stephanie M H. (1998–99). “The Pleasures of Resistance: Enslaved Women and Body Politics in the Plantation South, 1830-1861,” Journal of Southern History 68 (2002): 533–72.

Campbell, William J. (2005–6). “An Adverse Patron: Land, Trade, and George Croghan,” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 76 (2) (2009): 117–140.

Carp, Benjamin L. (2003–4). “‘Fix’d Almost Amongst Strangers’: Charleston’s Quaker Merchants and the Limits of Cosmopolitanism,” William & Mary Quarterly 74 (1) (2017): 77–108.

Carter, Michael S. (2004–5). “‘Under the Benign Sun of Toleration’: Mathew Carey, the Douai Bible, and Catholic Print Culture, 1789–1791,” Journal of the Early Republic 27 (3) (2007): 437–469.

Castle, Chase (2022–23). “Sonic Domination and the Politics of Race in Southern Antebellum Hymnody,” Journal of the Society for American Music 17, no. 4 (November 2023): 383–405.

Chybowski, Julia J. (2010–11). “Becoming the “Black Swan” in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America: Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield’s Early Life and Debut Concert Tour,” Journal of the American Musicological Society 67 (1) (2014): 125–165.

Cillerai, Chiara (2018–19). “Cosmopolitan Correspondences: The American Republic of Letters and the Circulation of Enlightenment Thought.” Chapter 22 in Volume I: Origins to 1820 of The Blackwell Companion to American Literature (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020).

Cillerai, Chiara (2018–19). “Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson’s Manuscript Books: Curating a Legacy?” Women’s Studies, 50:6, 2021, pp. 597–612. Special Issue entitled “Early American Women Authors: Unbound.”

Cillerai, Chiara (2018–19). “Scribal Publication of Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson’s Commonplace Books,” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, volume 48, 2019, pp. 75–87.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Culture and Identity on the Table: Italian American Food as Social History,” in The Routledge History of the Italian Americans, eds. William J. Connell and Stanislao Pugliese (Routledge, 2017), 179-192.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Everyone Would Be Around the Table: American Family Mealtimes in Historical Perspective,” New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development 111 (2006): 17–33.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Italian Americans and Public Housing in New York City, 1937–1941: Cultural Pluralism, Ethnic Maternalism, and the Welfare State,” in Democracy and Social Rights in the Two Wests, eds. Alice Kessler-Harris and Maurizio Vaudagna (Otto, 2009), 279–305.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Italian Doo-Wop: Sense of Place, Politics of Style, and Racial Crossovers in Postwar New York City,” in Making Italian America: Consumer Culture and the Production of Ethnic Identities, ed. Simone Cinotto (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014), 163–177.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Leonard Covello, the Covello Papers, and the Eating Habits of Italian Immigrants in New York,” Journal of American History 91:2 (2004): 497–521.

Cinotto, Simone (2009–10). “Sunday Dinner? You Had to Be There! The Social Significance of Food in Italian Harlem,” in Italian Folk: Vernacular Culture in Italian-American Lives, ed. Joseph Sciorra (New York: Fordham University Press, 2011), 11–29.

Clavin, Matthew J. (2003–4). “American Toussaints: Symbol, Subversion, and the Black Atlantic Tradition in the American Civil War,” Slavery & Abolition 28 (1) (2007): 87–113.

Clavin, Michael J. (2003–4). “Race, Rebellion, and the Gothic: Inventing the Haitian Revolution,” Early American Studies 5 (1) (2007): 1–29.

Codignola, Luca (2002–3). “Angelo Inglesi, From Rome With Love: the Ultimate Scoundrel Priest in North America, 1814–25,” Itineraria 15 (2016): 151–203.

Codignola, Luca (2002–3). “Benjamin Franklin and the Holy See, 1783–1784. The Myth of Non-Interference in Religious Affairs,” Journal of Early American History, 6, 2–3 (2016): 220–228.

Codignola, Luca (2002–3). “De ‘Cromwell de France’ à ‘brigand consommé:’ les catholiques de la région de l’Atlantique du Nord et Napoléon (1789–1815),” in C. Belaubre, J. Dym, and J. Savage, eds., Napoléon et les Amériques. Histoire atlantique et empire napoléonien (Presses de l’Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 2009), 25–43. Translation: “From ‘France’s Cromwell’ to ‘Consummate Brigand:’ North Atlantic Catholics and Napoleon, 1789–1815,” in C. Belaubre, J. Dym, and J. Savage, eds., Napoleon’s Atlantic: The Impact of Napoleonic Empire in the Atlantic World (Brill, 2010), 25–44.

Codignola, Luca (2002–3). “Rome as Part of the Irish North Atlantic Experience, 1770–1830,” in M. Binasco, ed., Rome and Irish Catholicism in the Atlantic World, 1622–1908 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 47–71.

Codignola, Luca (2002–3). “Roman Catholic Conservatism in a New North Atlantic World, 1760–1829,” William & Mary Quarterly 64 (4) 2007: 717–756.

Cohen, Joanna (2007–8). ‘‘‘The Right to Purchase Is as Free as the Right to Sell’ Defining Consumers as Citizens in the Auction-house Conflicts of the Early Republic,” Journal of the Early Republic 30 (1) (2010): 25–62.

Coleman, William (2012–13). ‘‘‘The Music of a Well Tun’d State’: ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ and the Development of a Federalist Musical Tradition,” Journal of the Early Republic 35 (4) (2015): 599–629.

Coleman, William L. (2016–17).  “Painting the ‘Baronial Castle’: Thomas Cole at Featherstone Park,” Huntington Library Quarterly, 80 (4) (Winter 2017):  635–665.

Conger, Vivian Bruce (2010–11). “Reading Early American Women’s Political Lives: The Revolutionary Performances of Deborah Read Franklin and Sally Franklin Bache,” Early American Studies, 16 (2) (2018): 317–352.

Cook, James W., Jr. (1993–94). “From the Age of Reason to the Age of Barnum: The Great Automaton Chess-Player and the Emergence of Victorian Cultural Illusionism,” Winterthur Portfolio 30 (1995): 231–57.

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Cotlar, Seth (1996–97). “Radical Conceptions of Property Rights and Economic Equality in the Early American Republic: The Trans-Atlantic Dimension,” Explorations in Early American Culture 4 (2000): 191–219.

Crabtree, Sarah (2005–6). “‘A Beautiful and Practical Lesson of Jurisprudence’: The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution,” Radical History Review 99 (2007): 51–79.

Craig, Michelle L. (2002–3). “Grounds for Debate? The Place of the Caribbean Provisions Trade in Philadelphia’s Prerevolutionary Economy,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 128 (2)(2004): 149–177.

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D’Alessandro, Michael F. (2019–20). “At-Home Humbugs: Freaks and Fakes in the Nineteenth-Century Parlor Museum,” Theatre Survey 63 (1) (January 2021): 3–33.

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Damiano, Sara T. (2015–16). “Agents at Home: Wives, Lawyers, and Financial Competence in Eighteenth Century New England Port Cities,” Early American Studies 13 (2015): 808–835.

Damiano, Sara (2015–16). “Writing Women’s History Through the  Revolution:  Family Finances, Letter Writing and Conceptions of Marriage,” William & Mary Quarterly 74 (4) (2017): 697–728.

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Dierks, Konstantin (2005–6). “Letter Writing, Stationary Supplies, and Consumer Modernity in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World,” Early American Literature, 41:3 (2006): 473–494.

Dinius, Marcy J. (2011–12) and Hazard, Sonia (2018). “Introduction: Keywords in Early American Literature and Material Texts,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16 (4), 579–583.

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Dinius, Marcy J. (2011–12). “‘I go to Liberia’: Following Uncle Tom’s Cabin to Africa,” in Uncle Tom’s Cabins: The Transnational History of America’s Most Mutable Book, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Stefka Mihaylova. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017. Reprinted in Journal of Transnational American Studies 11:2 (Winter 2020): 59-77.

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